Saturday, November 17, 2007


This is the story I plan to use in my Flash Player. The words in brackets represent sounds but in the final product these sounds will be represented by small pictures.

Once upon a time a princess (FLOATY SOUND) was born. The king and queen were so happy they threw a party and invited 3 magical fairies (MAGIC SOUND). At the party an evil witch (CACKLE) arrived, she was jealous she had not been invited to the party and cast an evil spell (CACKLE) on the baby. This spell said that when the princess (FLOATY SOUND) was 16 years old she would prick her finger on a needle and sleep (ZZZZZZZZ) for 100 years. The only way to break the spell would be a kiss from her true love. To try and get away from the evil spell the three magical fairies (MAGIC SOUND) took the princess and moved to a little house in the middle of the forest. The evil witch (CACKLE) still found the princess and on her 16th birthday she pricked her finger and fell asleep (ZZZZZZZZ). Many years passed by and the princess stayed asleep (ZZZZZZZZ). A handsome prince (DUMDADUMDUM) heard about what the evil witch (CACKLE) had done to the princess (FLOATY SOUND) and decided he would try to save her. He battled with horrible monsters (RRRAAAAHHHH) on his journey. Finally he found the princess (FLOATY SOUND) and saw she was still asleep, (ZZZZZZZ). He gently kissed her and she woke up and smiled. (YAWN). The handsome prince (DUMDADUMDUM) and the beautiful princess (FLOATY SOUND) were in love and lived happily ever after.

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