Monday, December 15, 2008

Practice based research

The question I will be answering is; How can the uses of interactive learning tools help to further understand and promote kinaesthetic and visual learning?

I will be producing several different types of interactive learning tools. This will include Flash based games and possibly also offline learning tools. This will be determined as the research progresses.

I will be using a variety of different evaluation techniques; this will be dependant on the exact nature of each artefact/experiment. It will include participant observations, Action Research (i.e. reflection both in and on action), online journal entries, and possibly interviews and/or questionnaires.

Over the Christmas holidays I will be carrying out secondary research into kinaesthetic and visual learning. I will also be creating my first artefact in Adobe Flash in preparation for testing at the start of term.

For my first artefact I will be producing a Flash based interactive learning tool that will test the use of online interaction to promote visual and kinaesthetic learning. This will be tested on a range of students aged 16-25 years old. The testing will involve observations and timing of the participant during the use of the interactive learning tool and a short discussion afterwards. I will also be carrying out a quick test to determine if the participant prefers the audio, visual, or kinaesthetic style of learning.

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